Monday, April 4, 2011

Newest progress photo

It's been so long since I've enjoyed showing off photos of myself. I took this last night around midnight so my hair could look better but I am continually amazed at how I look - and how I already need smaller jeans! People tell me all the time how skinny I look but when you see yourself everyday, you don't always see what they're referring to. Sometimes I still look in the mirror and see the fat version of me. 

I am feeling skinny but know I still have about 25 pounds left to go. I think I should set a start date for Cycle 1. My Crohns is still acting up and I am having a flare so it should be after I get that all sorted out. So, stay tuned because later this month, the adventures continues and restarts with Cycle 1 - exciting!


  1. WOW!!!!!!!!! Awesome you must be so proud!

  2. I found your blog and it has inspired me to start the 17 day diet! You look great. I begin my journey Monday, April 11. Please continue to post your success.

  3. I'm going to be starting this diet tomorrow myself!!

  4. I've started May 4th on this diet and have lost 6 lbs as of today! U're an inspiration and I will keep reading your post. Glad I found something like ur story on google!

  5. what is the 17 day diet cant find out what you eat etc
